Friday 3 March 2017

Car Insurance Quotes

Whether you've just bought a new car, are looking to change insurance carriers or are simply shopping around, getting an online car insurance quote from Liberty Mutual is secure, quick and easy.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Health Insurance

Adamjee Insurance is one of the largest Health Insurance providers catering to the health and medical needs of the Corporate and SME sectors for their employees with customized benefits structure and value added services. ADAMJEE guarantees you best quality services that not only give you peace of mind for being insured by a leading and dependable insurer but also ensures fast and speedy access to medical services when the need arises while promoting better healthcare practices. Our customized Health insurance plans can cater for your needs.

The benefits covered under Adamjee Health Insurance care are briefed as follows:

Hospitalization Benefit
This benefit covers the eligible hospitalization treatment (other than pregnancy & childbirth) due to illness, surgeries and accidents. Hospitalization expenses payment up to the "Per Annum Limit" in case of different diseases and prolonged illnesses.

Major Medical Care Benefit (Optional)
This benefit enhances the hospitalization limit of in-patient expenses (except maternity related expense) for each insured person for all eligible hospitalization expenses covered under specified benefits structure.

Critical Illness Benefit (Optional)
These benefits cover the hospitalization for the following critical illnesses

  • Myocardial infection
  • Coronary artery disease requiring surgery
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Aids
  • Renal failure
  • Major organ transplant
  • Multiple sclerosis
Maternity Benefit (Optional)
This benefit pays for medical expenses related to pregnancy and child birth up to the annual maternity limit. It includes:

  • Daily room rent
  • Labour Room charges
  • Operation theatre charges
  • Anesthetics fee
  • Pre & postnatal expenses coverage
  • Circumcision
Out Patient Cover (Optional)
Adamjee also provides the option of out-patient benefits to its clients which pays for the coverage of expenses incurred on medical treatment where a person does not need to be hospitalized. The following expenses are covered under this rider.

  • General practionar / specialist consultation charges
  • Prescribed medicine and treatment
  • Prescribed Laboratory investigations.
Additional Benefits
Terrorist cover: The policy also covers hospitalization and surgical expenses of any innocent insured person (not taking part in terrorist activities) who is injured due to an act of terrorism.

International cover: The policy covers emergency hospitalization during overseas travel of insured persons. However, the hospitalization expenses will be reimbursed in Pakistan in Pak-Rupees on the basis of what it will cost for a similar procedure to be carried out in Pakistan.

Complimentary cover for accidental injury: The hospitalization annual available limit is automatically increased by 25-50 per cent in case of hospitalization due to an accidental injury.

The items, conditions, treatments pertaining to the following and the related expenses are excluded from the policy for which the company will not be liable.

  • Cosmetic treatment or plastic surgery
  • Treatment of infertility / sterilization and contraception
  • Psychiatric treatment
  • Personal expenses like, telephone, guest meals & non medical items
  • Self inflicted injury
  • Eye glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, artificial limbs etc
  • Dental treatments
  • Epidural Anesthesia (for painless delivery) • Hospital admission not medically necessary or undertaken specifically to conduct diagnostic or other tests or workup
  • Congenital birth defects
  • General Health checkups and preventive vaccinations
  • Psychiatric treatment , mental or nervous disorder
  • Charges for visiting consultant
Value Added Services
  • Relationship Management functions for constant facilitation of our valued insured members.
  • 24/7 Call Center facilities.
  • 24 hr Medical Hotline to facilitate all your queries regarding hospitalizations.
  • Adamjee supports you as you make healthy choices every day gives you access to special savings on selected pharmacies and diagnostic services all over Pakistan
Adamjee and your Wellness
  • Adamjee’s ‘Medzine’ provides useful information regarding common medical issues keeping you in touch with the current developments in health and helps you manage your illness in a better way.
  • Adamjee’s wellness programs aimed to focus on improving awareness and lifestyle choices for you to improve your health.

Motor Insurance

Motor Insurance policy is mandatory under the Motor Vehicle Act. Owing Adamjee Insurance Company Limited Motor Insurance ensures that the owner of vehicle is protected from financial losses, caused by damage or theft to the vehicle and third party liability.

Adamjee comprehensive motor insurance policy gives you the maximum coverage against theft, accidental damage and third party liability with greater benefits, innovative features and hassle free post and pre insurance processing. The major scope of the cover includes:

Loss or Damage Due To:

CoverageAdamjee comprehensive motor insurance policy gives you the maximum coverage against theft, accidental damage and third party liability with greater benefits, innovative features and hassle free post and pre insurance processing. The major scope of the cover includes:
Loss or Damage Due To:CoverageAdamjee comprehensive motor insurance policy gives you the maximum coverage against theft, accidental damage and third party liability with greater benefits, innovative features and hassle free post and pre insurance processing. The major scope of the cover includes:Loss or Damage Due To:CoverageAdamjee comprehensive motor insurance policy gives you the maximum coverage against theft, accidental damage and third party liability with greater benefits, innovative features and hassle free post and pre insurance processing. The major scope of the cover includes:Loss or Damage Due To:CoverageAdamjee comprehensive motor insurance policy gives you the maximum coverage against theft, accidental damage and third party liability with greater benefits, innovative features and hassle free post and pre insurance processing. The major scope of the cover includes:Loss or Damage Due To:CoverageAdamjee comprehensive motor insurance policy gives you the maximum coverage against theft, accidental damage and third party liability with greater benefits, innovative features and hassle free post and pre insurance processing. The major scope of the cover includes:Loss or Damage Due To:CoverageAdamjee comprehensive motor insurance policy gives you the maximum coverage against theft, accidental damage and third party liability with greater benefits, innovative features and hassle free post and pre insurance processing. The major scope of the cover includes:Loss or Damage Due To:CoverageAdamjee comprehensive motor insurance policy gives you the maximum coverage against theft, accidental damage and third party liability with greater benefits, innovative features and hassle free post and pre insurance processing. The major scope of the cover includes:Loss or Damage Due To:
  • Accidental means, Fire external explosion, Self - ignition
  • Lightning, Flood
  • Theft & Burglary
  • Malicious Act
  • Whilst in transit (Road & Rail)
  • Terrorism, Riots & Strikes (Optional)
Third Party Liability
  • Property Damage
  • Bodily Injury
  • Death
Value Added Services
  • Call Center 24/7 with Toll Free Number 0800-00242
  • Tracker at Insurance Company Cost (Optional)
  • Adamjee Catch Card (Optional)
Some Exclusion
  • Losses incurred outside geographical area of Pakistan
  • Consequential loss depreciation wear and tear
  • Mechanical or electrical breakdown failures or breakage
  • Damage to Tyres and Battery unless the Motor Car is damaged at the same time where the liability of the company is limited to 50% of the cost of the replacement

Premium Payment Method Premium payment can be made through cash, cheque, pay order, demand draft, telex transfer to the concerned Adamjee Insurance branch.Claim Reporting Process
  • The 24/7 Call Center registers the claim request after furnishing all personal details and details of the policy taken for verification. 0800-00242

  • Company appoints surveyor who inspects the vehicle and submits the loss report.
  • After completion of required formalities and documents claim is processed by the company immediately.
  • On approval of the claim the payment cheque is released.

Cheap car insurance companies Best 2017

Wednesday 1 March 2017

third party car insurance

All cars need to be insured – it’s the law. But you get to choose what level of cover your car has. Are the more basic options right for you?

Traffic on UK motorway

What does third-party only insurance cover?

Third-party only insurance (TPO) offers you the legal minimum level of car insurance cover, and is the most basic you’re able to get.
This kind of policy helps protect other people, vehicles and property in the event of an accident that was deemed to be your fault.
Say you drive into the rear of someone’s car, causing damage to the bumper and injuring the driver. Your third-party insurance would cover the cost of the other person’s car and medical expenses.
What isn’t covered, though, is damage to your own car or any injuries you suffer. For that, you’d need a comprehensive insurance policy. Otherwise those costs are on you.
In short, third-party only cover is the best way to ensure that, if someone suffers a road accident that isn’t their fault, their costs can be recuperated.

What does third-party, fire and theft insurance cover?

As well as third-party damage, third-party, fire and theft (TPFT) lets you claim for:
  • replacing your car if it’s stolen
  • damage that happens as the result of an attempted theft eg broken door locks or a stolen radio.
  • fire damage to the car
This cover for fire damage applies to accidental fires as well as arson – though you’ll need a crime reference number to claim for the latter.

Is third-party cover for me?

Masked man breaking into a car
Many people often opt for TPO or TPFT policies because they consider them to be cheaper than comprehensive cover.
This isn’t always true. In fact, you may find some cases where comprehensive insurance works out to be as cheap as TPFT.
You should also consider what potential benefits you’re missing out on when you decide against a comprehensive policy:
  • cover for damage to your own car
  • pay-out for a replacement car if yours is written off
  • cover for injuries you suffer in an accident
  • windscreen cover
If your car is an older, inexpensive model that’s cheap to repair, then a third-party policy might be more suitable for you.
A new, more expensive model might cost hundreds if not thousands of pounds to repair. In which case, having to foot the bill yourself could wipe out any savings you made by sticking with third-party cover.
In any case, it’s worth looking at the different levels of protection when comparing policies so you’re not missing out for the sake of a few pounds.

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